Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Health Related Mobile Apps - Identifying, Capitalizing, and Protecting Your Intellectual Property

Lema Khorshid is one of the founding partners at Fuksa Khorshid, LLC where she handles a wide range of legal matters for small to mid-sized closely held businesses in Chicago and New York.  She frequently assists her clients with corporate transactional and intellectual property matters; and, for the past three years she has been lead counsel on several mergers and acquisitions that have taken her clients all over the globe.

Lema frequently speaks at Small Business Centers all over Chicago to entrepreneurs on a myriad of legal and business issues that affect their businesses.  In 2009, Lema was honored by the Business Ledger for being one of the twenty two influential women in business in Chicago. In 2013, Lema received a feature article in Chicago Social Magazine for her philanthropic endeavors.

Identifying, Capitalizing, and Protecting Your Intellectual Property
Your company’s intellectual property assets – intangible assets known as trade secrets, patents, trademarks, and copyrights – can be strong differentiators in a highly competitive marketplace and an excellent way for you to generate additional revenue in order to increase your bottom line. As your business continues to grow in the health industry, and the need for mobile applications rises, you must learn to identify ways to capitalize on and protect your intellectual property assets within and outside your organization.

When: Monday, October 26, 2015 from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM

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Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Victor Mateevitsi

Currently a PhD candidate at the Electronic Visualization Laboratory, University of Illinois at Chicago, I am focusing my research on exploring, designing and evaluating novel human augmentation techniques facilitated by technology. Aiming to overcome challenges of human computer interaction in the emerging technologies of wearable computers and human augmentation devices, and to improve quality of life for individuals with disabilities, I draw on a diverse set of skills, including scientific visualization, computer graphics, human computer interaction, electronics, sensors, fabrication and computer vision, in a field that is versed in Computer Science, Bioengineering, Psychology and Psychophysics. I believe in ubiquitous technology’s potential to enhance the human experience, enabling faster non-biologically evolution as a species.

Brief description of my presentation:
Sitting is the new smoking. Going to the gym for one hour or jogging daily cannot undo the harm of sitting 8 hours a day. The HealthBar is a revolutionary device that aims to make people healthier by reminding them to break their sedentary lifestyle.

When: Monday, October 26, 2015 from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM

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